Thursday 21 February 2013

Dragons or UFOs?

The book I borrowed from a friend that inspired me to start this blog is called The Secret Country - More Mysterious Britain by Janet and Colin Bord. Although I have not read it from cover to cover I have dipped into it and found it be full of fascinating information on topics such as Ley Lines, ancient sites, Folk Lore, fairies and of course UFOs. The book is well written and uses evidence where appropriate to substantiate theories, whilst openly acknowledging that all most people can really do is speculate on these topics. I was interested to find a section in  called Dragons or UFO's? This is something that I alluded to in my last blog post. The books gives a few accounts from History of people seeing Dragons.

The idea that accounts of Dragons are actually UFO encounters might not be as fetched as it initially seems. The picture to above was taken of a UFO in North Carolina in December 2012.

Dragons or UFOs - Historical Accounts 

One incidence described in the book occurred in 1405 when a monk, John De Hokelowe talks about a towns encounter with a Dragon.

"Close to the town of Bures, near Sudbury, there has lately appeared to the great hurt of the countryside a Dragon, vast in body with crested head, teeth like a saw and a tail extending to enormous length. Having slain the shepherd of a flock, he then devoured many sheep. There came forth to shoot him arrows the workmen of the Lord on who's domain he had concealed himself. But the Dragons body being struck by archers remained unhurt, for the arrows bounced off its back as if it were iron or hard rock. Those arrows that struck the spine of his back gave out as they struck a ringing or tingling sound, just as if they had hit a brazen plate then flew far away off as per reason of the hide of this great beast being impenetrable. There upon in order to destroy him all the country people around were summoned. But when the dragon saw that he was again about to be assailed by arrows he fled into a marsh or mer and hid himself among the reeds nor was he anymore seen."  

In this account there are a lot of similarities with modern day UFO encounters. I can not ignore the description where the monk clearly talks about a head. teeth and a tail. This does not sound much like the modern day image of a flying saucer, although UFOs do of course come in all shapes and sizes. The description of the devouring of sheep is similar to reports of UFO cattle mutilations. There have also been reports of people shooting at UFOs and the bullets bouncing off which is similar to the experience of the archers in this account, shooting at a dragon that clearly seems to have metallic attributes. It is also strange how the dragon made his escape and was never seen again, something that is reminiscent of a UFO encounter.

The second account in The Secret Country give the Dragon a much more biological  feel. In this more recent account from the 1800s a group of people at a fair in Carmarthen saw a Dragon sitting on top of a castle ruin. Although this Dragon also had a hard outer shell these more resourceful villagers with more fire power shot it in its navel and saw it plunge into the river where its blood mixed with the water. This account seems to give the creature lots more biological attributes such as soft navel and blood. This could of course the UFOs week spot and something like fuel spilling into the water but this seems to be clutching at straws.

Whats Really Going On?

It seems to me that a few things are possible.

1) That Dragons were in fact biological creatures who's aggressive and fearsome nature made them hard to live along side humans so they were hunted and became extinct. This kind of thing has happened to thousands of species over human evolution and in my mind it is certainly a possibility. This would account for the many legends and stories of Knights killing dragons.     

2) Dragons were in fact UFOs being mistaken for biological creatures by people with no possible comprehension of a spaceship. It could also be the case that UFOs can shift there appearance. We certainly have modern day accounts of this.

3) That overtime stories that were meant for amusement, the teaching of moral principals or spiritual understanding have been diluted and there original message lost so they should not be taken literally.

In my mind all these factors are in play. Some probably are accounts of biological creates, whilst overs are really UFOs being mistaken for Dragons. I am sure if a Dragon flew past my window right now it would go on the records as a UFO. Time and legend have left us with intriguing mysteries to explore but there is no simple one explanation.

Another fascinating layer to all this is that Ley Lines have also been described as Dragons and there are many people who believe that Legends of old talking about dragon slayers are describing those who have mastered the Dragon lines or Kundalini serpent energy within themselves. I guess that is leaving it on a bit of a cliff hanger but I will leave the rest for the next blog.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Is there a connection between UFOs and Ley Lines


I was recently lent a book by a friend that has inspired me to start this blog. I enjoy blogging and this is a topic I am interested in and have been for a long time. I currently keep a blog on my exploration of Ley Lines in the UK and throughout this exploration and research it has become hard to ignore that there is a correlation between  UFOs and Ley Lines. In this and following blogs I intend to explore some of the connections between the two further.

The Historical Connection

It is worthy of note that the phenomenon of UFOs or the knowledge of ley lines is not new. All across the world ancient cultures have been aware of both of these topics and this is in fact where some of the names used for Ley Lines come from. As I discuss in my other blog, the term Ley Line is a relatively new one.

In cultures across the world Ley Lines are called different things such as Dream Lines in Australia, Spirit Lines in America and Dragon Lines in Asia (and Wales). The reason for the term Dragon Lines is because the ancients cultures of Asia have legends of their Sky Gods who rode dragons along these lines. People often dismiss the stories of old as simply confusion or as the peoples way of explaining things they did not understand. This is of course an understandable conclusion but does not account for the fact that UFO sightings, which could be considered our modern day equivalent, seem to be happening today. Some of these sightings go unexplained, even given our extremely comprehensive understanding of rare weather phenomenon.

The Military Connection

I often visit ancient sites in the UK and I find it highly assuming the pure density of military bases. It seems very much to me that the military are very interested in the things I am interested in. Stonehenge and Avebury are both extremely popular with the Army whilst Glastonbury seems to be the RAF's favorite.

I actually had a very funny moment on the top of Glastonbury Tor involving the RAF. I was visiting the Tor with a few friends, and one friend and I sat on one side of the Tor and another friend sat on the other. In the distance I spotted something in the clouds, I was hoping for the coolest UFO sitting ever but it was a fighter jet coming towards us :(  As he passed he must been within 20ft of us and he turned 90% so that he could look up and give us the thumbs up. We could see the smile on his face! What made it even better was that as we turned to watch him shoot past we saw our other friend jumping up out of his yogi position into pure confusion momentarily. Good on to the pilot, he got lots of strangers talking that day!

Now it could of course be pure coincidence that the areas around sacred ley line sites are so densely populated with military bases but this seems unlikely. I tend to think when it comes to the military that very little is down to chance.

Another factor that is worth consideration is that maybe the military bases are attracting the UFOs. You do not have to do too much research to find out that there is certainly a large number of accounts of UFOs sightings from Military base. The Rendlesham Forest account here in the UK is one such incident. This was a series of sightings that took place in the last month of 1980. Over the course of a few days dozens of personnel reported seeing strange lights, and there are even claims that evidence was left behind. This series of events is considered the British Roswell and even the Ministry of Defense does not have an explanation for what took place. They could simply comment that it was not deemed a military threat and was therefore was not their responsibility to investigate further.

Now I guess the question here is "is Rendlesham Forest on Ley line?" I have to admit that this is not a part of the UK I am familiar with and I certainly not an expert in the Ley lines there. I have looked briefly into the area and found that there is meant to a high number of Ley lines in the area. I have even read that Aleister Crowley liked to perform rituals there and it is one of the most popular spots for Ghost hunting. These are usually signs that powerful Ley Lines exist in an area. I actually just stumbled on a map I have not seen before of the UK ley lines. This map seems a little different to others I have seen and the line I would deem as the Michael Mary Line seems to be shifted south. This line does seem to run straight through Rendlesham Forest, which is located on the green line close to the two purple dots on west coast, north east of London.

Without a lot more investigation I can not accurately confirm the validity of this map. It certainly seems incomplete and misses lines that many other maps include.

Over the next few blogs I intend to delve deeper into these mysteries and I will certainly elaborate on some of the topics touched upon here. I encourage you to keep reading if you are interested and thank you for the time you have taken so far. Please feel free to leave comments and questions below, they are all gratefully received!

I would like to leave those of you interested in Rendlesham Forest a video link to start your investigations off.